What is "the Mush"?
"The Mush" is a container where we come together as community to create a touch-positive space where everyone feels safe to give and receive platonic love, be fully self-expressed, and explore new ways of relating with each other. This nurturing environment helps us co-regulate our nervous systems as a community, fostering a sense of connection and well-being. It is a space where we learn to love, in the most purest and innocent ways.
​How do you say that, MUSH? It rhymes with "Bush'' and has nothing to do with mushrooms. In fact, we ask that everyone comes in a state of sobriety and sensitivity that supports full awareness of their own and others' boundaries. This is a place to open your heart and experience love and acceptance 💖 We will revel in the beauty of touch, healthy boundaries, subtle non-verbal communication, and exploring the connection of human bodies in an explicitly non-sexual container.
The Mush is based on the following 4 Core Values:
To create a safe container for this exploration, it's only possible to join the event if you agree to honor the Community Agreements listed below, that are inspired by the core values.
Want To Join Our Next Mush?
Before you attend your first Welcome Mush, please follow these basic steps:
1. Read this text in its entirety. It is important that you understand the community agreements and values before arriving in the space, to make sure the event is a good fit for you.
2. Complete the (very short) Google Form "Registration For New Mushers." You will find the link at the bottom of this webpage.
3. Send a WhatsApp message to the Welcome Mush Manager. Follow the instructions at the end of this page, and remember to include a "selfie" (recent photo of your face).
4. Wait for the Manager to confirm that there is space for you at the event and send you the location. We will reach capacity. It's best that you don't wait for the last minute to register.
Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.
- Plato
Mush Agreements
To create a safe container for this exploration, it's only possible to join the event if you agree to honor the Community Agreements listed below. Please read to the end to ensure this event is for you and you are in alignment with the Mush values.
You don’t need to remember it all! We will review and practice all of this during the event.
Keep the Container
We all share responsibility for holding the container; we are all "Angels" in the space. If you see something that is not aligned with the agreements, please address the person directly or inform the facilitator.
Keep the container (this means continue to honor the agreements) even after the Mush concludes, until you have had a chance to go to sleep, wake up, and have a few moments by yourself. Specifically, do not escalate relationships into new levels of romance or sexuality immediately after the Mush.
Celebrate Playfulness
Celebrate the playfulness you see in others, even if you don’t feel like being playful yourself. If you hear the voice of your playful inner child, give them control of the body for a few minutes and let them come out and play.
For example, enjoy acting like a puppy or kitten or whatever makes you feel good. Miau Miau 😺
Love Each Other
Come to this space with the intention to give and receive Platonic Love (the type of love you share with a child or a pet), with everybody in the space, whether you know them or not. It’s Puppy-Dog Kitty-Cat love, like you would share with a baby or your grandma. You don’t need to touch everyone; you can share love at a distance. Treat others with loving-kindness, care, and respect. We are choosing to explore ways to love each other platonically, no matter gender, sexual orientation or status.
Share your feelings authentically and embrace that all emotions are welcome in the space.
Take Care of Yourself and Eachother
Be generous in communicating (verbally and non-verbally) your needs, desires, and boundaries. If you are not comfortable, do something or say something. Move slowly and listen for the other’s response. If it doesn't feel like a clear "yes", then please communicate a "no".
Be aware and respectful of others' boundaries. When you receive a "no", make an effort to say "thank you" and don’t take it personally. Be sensitive to "freeze" and “fawn” responses and seek clarity verbally when you are uncertain.
Ask for help from a facilitator if you need it, or if you think someone else needs it.
Seek to include others in the Mushchitecture; be willing to change positions to make space for more Mushers.
Regulate Your Nervous System and Support the Group Co-Regulation (we’ll teach you how).
Keep the vibe relaxed by practicing awareness of your nervous system state and co-regulating whenever needed. Support others when they are regulating by joining in with breath and sound. If you sense someone is activated, check in with them, or simply initiate a co-regulation.
Take Responsibility for your Energy
This is a non-sexual event, also known as a "Platonic" event. If you experience an activation of your sexual energy, make an effort to transmute or redirect this energy internally. If this is not possible, move away from the perceived source of your arousal. We also discourage conversation about sexual practices and sex-positive events while in the Mush space.
Be Curious & Present. Have No Expectations.
Come to the space with open-mind and curiosity about what will happen.
Stay in the present moment; sense what is happening inside your body and in the space. If your thoughts are in the past or future, then co-regulate, as this space can be a very powerful healing space.
After the event, if you meet participants outside the Mush Container, don’t expect to continue the same level of intimacy that you experienced at the Mush.
Take Care of The Space
Be considerate of others by removing jewelry, practicing basic hygiene (like showering before you come to Mush and cleaning your feet if needed when you arrive), and not coming when you are feeling sick/coughing/possibly contagious.
Also, keep your phone silent or off/airplane while you are at the event. Phones can be used in a designated space if needed.
Be conscious of your speech and respectful of "non-verbal" space (when it is requested). When we go non-verbal, you are still encouraged to use words to navigate your safety and comfort.
Stay sober; do not consume mind-altering substances or alcohol before or during the event.
Peacefully Resolve Conflicts
We are all learning. If you feel triggered by another person’s actions, or you feel that your boundaries were crossed, take prompt action to address this. Co-regulate first, and then either address your concerns directly with the person, or seek help from a Facilitator.
If someone else wants to resolve a conflict with you, be willing to speak about what happened with them (and possibly with mediation from a facilitator). Seek to empathize with the other person’s experience.
Celebrate truthfulness and vulnerability. Be open to feedback about how your actions are affecting others and make meaningful efforts to reduce harm and improve adherence to the agreements.
Platonic Behavior
(2,400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote extensively on the topic of non-sexual love, which he also called "Divine Eros")
Why it's so important to keep THE MUSH non-sexual:
We are intentionally deprogramming the cultural assumption or expectation that sensual touch or cuddling is the first step towards a sexual relationship. By challenging this old program and breaking social norms, we create the possibility for more intimacy in our lives and more touch in all of our non-sexual relationships.
There is great value in integrating the benefits of a purely non-sexual touch experience. So, even if it feels right and it's definitely consensual, please do NOT finish the night by exchanging sexual touch or pursuing a new romantic interest. This would reinforce the old program.
Remember that your actions in the Mush space affect others who might witness them, and that we are all highly sensitive energetic beings. So even if it "only looks sexual," if it is causing sexual activation in others you may be asked to change your behavior. And even if your behavior doesn't look explicitly sexual to anyone else, if it feels sexual to you, others will sense your pheromones. So please be responsible.
If you see something sexy happening at the Mush, it is appropriate to share your concerns. If witnessing this behavior brings you into a triggered or sexually activated state, we encourage you to co-regulate first, and (especially if you are having big feelings) to ask a friend, team-member, or facilitator to support you in addressing the situation. Best practices: use "I" statements like "I observe," "I feel." Inquire how the others are feeling; give them a chance to self-correct. Make requests, not demands. If it's not going well, ask for help from the facilitator.
Event Details & Structure
There is no pre-requisite or experience required to attend the Mush.
Energy Exchange: Depending on your means 150-350 pesos (150 pesos low income; 250 pesos regular price; 350 supporter). Please use your judgment.
Includes fruits and healthy vegan snacks.
Those who are experiencing financial abundance are asked to pay a little more to support those who need scholarship. If 150 pesos is beyond your means, please inquire about work-trade opportunities.
Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds... for those who resonate with the community values and wish to participate fully, we will always find a way. I love you.
What to bring:
Wear comfy clothes & bring a water bottle.
Musical instruments are welcome, it's always nice to cuddle to some groovy tunes.
Some fruits and snacks are provided, but not a full meal. If you feel inspired, you're welcome to bring healthy, vegan snacks / sweets to feed to the other Mushers.
The Event:
This is a 3 hour event:
1.5 of which will be a facilitation part consisting of reviewing agreements, games and demonstration around expressing desires & boundarie and playfulness.
Then we will move into the experiential part for the rest of the time and close with a closing circle.